Connect with the people who grow your food and the land it comes from through 48 weeks of fresh, nutrient-rich harvests from our faith-based farm.



Enjoy freshly baked bread, monthly farm potlucks, events, and year-round harvests–at a fraction of the cost of the farmers market or farmstand.

Choose-your-own "veggie-only" share, including flowers and herbs
Add-on bread and extras whenever you'd like (for an additional charge)
Save 5% when you pay monthly, 10% when you pay for a full year upfront
Choose-your-own veggies/herbs/flowers/grains
2 extras each week (bread, eggs, or chicken)
5 lbs lamb per year
1 bucket (42 lbs) of wheat per year
Save 5% when you pay monthly, 10% when you pay for a full year upfront
Choose-your-own veggies/herbs/flowers/grains
3 extras each week (bread, eggs, chicken)
10 lbs lamb per year
2 buckets (84 lbs) wheat per year
1 value added item (jam, olive, freeze dried food) each week
Sponsor-match 1 family's Garden Share
First dibs on new harvests
Save 5% when you pay monthly, 10% when you pay for a full year upfront

Build your own weekly SHARE

While our Garden Share provides you with enough veggies for a week, our Farm and Community Builder shares include grocery staples, like pasture-raised eggs, chicken, bread, and seasonal specials like wheat and lamb.



Select a Share

Choose your share type, and prepay monthly or annually to save an extra 5%-10% at checkout.

Sign Up

Enter your payment details once, and we'll store it securely to maintain your membership and ensure easy checkout for future farm purchases!

Pick Up

Build-your-own farm share & choose-your-own flowers, veggies, and herbs each week when you pick up at the farm.


Confirm your weekly share by 9am Wednesday for Sunday pickup at the farm, where you'll get to assemble your own farm share (tools and guidance for harvesting included!).

Sunday Pickup

Summer: 2:30 - 6:30pm
Winter: 2:30 - 6pm

“For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made.”

Romans 1:20


Have more questions? Send us a note any time!

When does the season start/end?

Our season runs year round. The farm will be closed the weeks of April 22, May 20, Sep 30, and Oct 7 as it hosts large events.

Can I choose what's in my share?

Yes! Each week at pickup, you'll have the opportunity to fill your own box with the week's harvest (including fresh bread, eggs, and meats!), as well as pick-your-own seasonal flowers, veggies, and herbs. lamb, wheat, and other specialty products will be limited in their availability through the year. For first access to rare, underproduced, and specialty seasonal items please choose the Community Builder Share.

Tell me more about the bread!

Milled on-site and baked same-day, our fresh bread locks in 95% more nutrients than traditional grocery store bread. Baked exclusively for our CSA members, each loaf is packed with the wholesome goodness of creation's bounty.

What do you do with excess produce?

After each pick up day, we often have excess produce, which we feed to our animals, providing them with extra nutrition and nourishment. As we are a non-profit farm we also enjoy supporting food banks and other ministries with quality food, and it is an amazing feeling to be part of what makes that happen!

What happens if I go on vacation/need to skip a pickup?

If you're not able to pick up your share, a friend or family member can pick it up for you. Or, you can opt to donate your share to the local food bank, which we'll do on your behalf.

Why join our CSA?

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a relationship between the farm and you as a member. It is a commitment that the farmer and the members make to each other: for the farmer to produce healthy, fresh and abundant food and for the member to support the farm through the seasons.

We hope to create a farm where all who are part of the farm are equally valued; without each other the farm could not exist. In this context, we describe those of us working on the farm as the active farmers and the broader community as members. The main role of the members is to provide the farmers with the support they need to carry out the daily operations of the farm. While this support could come in many forms, the most important is that the community makes an effort to understand the needs of the farm and is informed about our growing practices. The other means of support is an economic contribution from each of us that will meet the needs of the farm for a year.

How does pickup work?

We'll text you each week when we're harvesting and when your share is ready for pickup. Swing by the farm on pickup day to stock up on the week's bounty, and to pick-your-own portion of the week's available eggs, flowers, herbs, and bread, and meat (as available). Priority to extras and value-added products will be given to Community Builder and Farm Share CSA members.


Sign up by April 30 to reserve your share of just-harvested produce, grains, and meat throughout our May - April season.